

Regular price R 2,980.00 Unit price per

Garritan World Instruments is a new collection of over 350 expressive and exotic instruments from around the world. The world has such a beautiful and rich music heritage expressed through a myriad of diverse instruments. Here is a world of instruments waiting for you to explore and take your music in new and exciting directions.

The Garritan World Instrument collection offers a large variety of beautifully sampled flutes - Native American flutes, bamboo flues, Irish flutes, Chinese and Japanese flutes, Indian flutes, clay flutes, pan flutes, nose flutes and many other exotic winds from around the globe.

Available as a download or boxed version. Please select your choice from the Delivery Method drop-down menu and click Add to Cart.


  • Dynamic array of pitched and un-pitched percussion instruments
  • Numerous types of plucked and bowed strings
  • Variety of other instruments include didgeridoo, Middle Eastern reed instruments, accordions, Tibetan bowls, and harmonium, to name just a few
  • Controls for dynamics, vibrato, tongue/slur techniques, airflow, auto legato, auto-variability, auto-portamento, trills and more
  • Includes the advanced new ARIA engine
  • Efficient performance, fast loading and low CPU demand.



Kora, Ngoni, Domu, Begena, Mijwiz 1, Mijwiz 2, Arghul, Ewe drum collection (Kpanlogos, Kagan, Sogo), Udu drums, Doun Doun drums, Talking drums, Djembe, Mbira, Log drums, Bougarabou, Fontomfrom, Balafon, Gyil, Ipo, Kalimba, Mbira, Tama, Bolon bass, and many other African instruments.


Erhu (vibrato control), Guzheng harps, Pipa, Yuequin, Bawu, Di-Zi, Guanzi, Hulusi, Sheng, Suona, Xiao, Bo, Darangu Lion Drum, Bianzhong, Temple bells & blocks, Chinese gongs & cymbals, and various other Chinese instruments.


Sitar, Sarangi, Tambura, Electric Sitar. Small Zheng, Yuequin, Bansuris, Pungi Snake Charmer, Shenai, Indian Whistle, Harmonium, Tablas, Dafli, Damroo, Chimtas, Dhol, Manjeera, Mridangam, Naal ,Pakhawaj, Tamte, Tasha, Tavil, and many other Indian instruments.


Complete Taiko Drum collection, Koto, Shakuhachi, Hichiriki, Sanshin, Shamisen, Knotweed Flute, Okedo, Tebyoshi, Tsuzumi and other Japanese instruments.


Jogi Baja, Piri, Gopichand, Dan Tranh, Dan Ty Ba, Thai Mouth OrganTangku Drum, Madal, Luo & Thai Gongs, Gedul, and more.


Celtic & Wire Strung Harps, Mandolins, Zitter, Collection of Recorders, Irish and other whistles, Double flutes, Overtone Flutes, Sideblown flutes, folk flutes, Chanters and Bagpipes, Bodran, Hang drum, Jews harps, accordions, Alphorn and many other European instruments.


Oud, Santoor, Duduk, Maqrunah, Naqqra, Bendir, Daff, Dumbek, Darabuka, Kuddum, Riqq, Tumbak, Zarb, Zills and other Middle Eastern instruments.


Fiddle (vibrato control), Banjo, Dulcimer, Zither, Washtub Bass, Native Flute, Fife, Bottle Blows, Slide Whistle, Powwow drum, Buffalo drum, Cherokee drum, Pueblo drum, Log drum, Washboard bass, Harmonicas and more.


South American & Veracruz Harps, Guitarron, Quena, Tarka, Panpipes, Ocarinas, Steel Drums, Bandoneon, Berimbau, Bombo, Rain Stick, an extensive Latin Percussion collection, and more.


Complete Gamelon collections, Didgeridoo, Sulings, Rebab, Ukeleles, Hawaiian Nose Flute, Conch shell, Bullroarer, Ipu, Hawaiian percussion and more.

System Requirements


  • Microsoft Windows 7, 8 or 10, Vista or XP (SP3 required)
  • Core 2 Duo CPU or later recommended
  • 2 GB RAM recommended. There is a direct correlation between the amount of available RAM and the number of sounds that can be loaded.
  • Interfaces: Standalone, VST, AAX & RTAS
  • Garritan ARIA PlayGarritan ARIA Player v1.846 includes an AAX plug-in, adding support for Pro Tools 11 and later
  • 3 GB of free hard drive space
  • Hard drive speed of at least 7200 RPM recommended
  • Monitor with 1,024×768 resolution or higher
  • A professional sound card compatible with ASIO
  • Internet connection for download version, updates and online registration
  • 930MB download size



  • Mac OS X 10.6 through 10.13
  • Mac Intel CPU (PowerPC not supported)
  • 2 GB RAM recommended. There is a direct correlation between the amount of available RAM and the number of sounds that can be loaded.
  • Interfaces: Standalone, VST, AU, AAX & RTAS
  • Garritan ARIA PlayGarritan ARIA Player v1.846 includes an AAX plug-in, adding support for Pro Tools 11 and later
  • 3 GB of free hard drive space
  • Hard drive speed of at least 7200 RPM recommended
  • Monitor with 1,024×768 resolution or higher
  • A sound card compatible with Core Audio
  • Internet connection for download version, updates and online registration
  • 930MB download size


  • AU