Embark on an extraordinary sonic adventure with Radiant Decay, the ultimate journey into organic analog sound. Crafted by acclaimed composer and sound designer Erick McNerney in collaboration with Soundiron, this immersive collection pushes the boundaries of sound design, featuring expertly crafted atmospheric synths, intricate textural pads, evolving soundscapes, and mesmerizing drones—perfectly suited for rock, pop, and cinematic compositions.
Inside Radiant Decay, you'll uncover a treasure trove of hybrid organic textures, meticulously shaped from Erick’s personal collection of acoustic and electronic sound sources. Whether you're seeking to add foundational depth to your tracks or explore new creative dimensions, this library offers a wealth of tonal ambiences to inspire you at every turn.
The intuitive XY pad lets you effortlessly blend between four layers, unlocking boundless creative potential. Merging acoustic warmth with electronic innovation, Erick's distinct style explores captivating aural aesthetics, specialized niches, and avant-garde production concepts. The sleek GUI also includes powerful tools like infinite randomization, wavetables, and user sample import capabilities, ensuring Radiant Decay is as flexible as your imagination.
The user interface is built around four separate quadrants, an assignable XY Pad, and arpeggiator system to expand your creative potential. Each layer in has fully independent sound-shaping options including Attack, Release, Offset, Pitch, Pan, and more. Every quadrant has its own individual arpeggiator and filter with 39 built-in filter types.
The central XY Pad can be used in a variety of ways but defaults as volume control between the 4 layers. Each axis can be customized to affect a different parameter and can be used to control filters or a select amount of FX options. Rhythmic motion can also be added to the XY Pad, automatically adjusting each axis in a tempo-syncable way. You can also limit the X and Y range to create new patterns and fluctuations in tone.
You can set up dynamic arpeggiator, gliss, and strum patterns with our integrated ARP system, featuring a suite of abilities like rhythm, direction, swing and randomization. The Legato feature is also included, instantly turning this machine into a monophonic legato/portamento instrument with adjustable pitch bend speed control. Dive in to tweak and automate every parameter with total control over every detail, or just hit the Random button to instantly generate an infinite variety of new sound, parameter and dynamic modulator combinations. The Macro knobs to the left and right of the XY Pad can be assigned to modulate a variety of layer sound shaping controls or FX rack plugins.
User sample import allows you to blend your own WAV files into the engine to make each sound truly your own. Mix and shape your samples alongside our categories of sounds and 24 wavetables for your next epic atmosphere.
Radiant Decay ships with over 150 Factory Presets, each one lovingly crafted. They can be easily perused using the Preset Browser. You can also save new patches you’ve made using the browser, or share presets with other users. Finally, don’t forget to fire up the FX rack panel and load your synth up with dozens of DSP effects, including convolution reverb with over 100 of our custom real-world and special FX spaces to perfect your sound.
Product Specs
- One master NKI instrument bank in open Kontakt format
- 5 Categories and 30+ sub-categories of Synth Pads, Arps, Leads, Basses, FX, and 24 Wavetables
- Over 150 factory presets to kickstart your next track
- 4-Layer Morphing Engine with XY Pad Mixer and Randomize capabilities
- 2,551 stereo 24-bit 48kHz PCM Wav samples
- 11.4 GB Installed
- Custom Preset Import and Export, with intelligent random preset generator
- Flexible and intuitive multi-layer user interface controls, with user sample import, LFO, filter, glide, and arpeggiator
- Full FX rack with convolution reverb with custom rooms, halls, chambers & FX environments
System Requirements
The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 6.2.2 (or later) is required to use .nki instrument presets included in this library. The free Kontakt "Player" and "Add Library" import process do not support this standard open-format Kontakt library. Windows 7 or higher. Mac OSX 10.12 or higher. Dual Core CPU, 2 GB System Ram, SATA or SSD hard drive recommended for this library.
Note: This digital product is delivered as a download via the Amazon S3 cloud network. A broadband internet connection is required. All sales are final.