The official Jensen IR library based on the 12" P12N, 25W, AlNiCo speaker from the Vintage series
The AlNiCo P12N is surely one of the most iconic Jensen speakers of the late ‘50s. Visually impressive because of the big bell cover on the magnet, it is the highest powered 12” speaker in the range. Among others, the P12N was used in the high-end amps of the time such as the Fender® Tweed Twin. Crystal clear in the treble range with transparent mids and powerful but tight bass, it is the “King of Clean Tones”, but can deliver powerful, gritty and greasy lead tones with a well pushed Tweed-style amp. The standard 18 mics in 16 positions Overloud capturing process translates an involving, realistic rendition of the 1x12 Open back and 2x12 Open back, “vintage correct” cabinets.
Also Includes The Remastered Version
This library also includes the remastered version of all the IRs.
The vintage Jensen speakers were designed mainly for clean tones. The maximum overdrive achievable back in those days was generated by the amplifier’s natural clipping and compression, and maybe by some of the earlier fuzz pedals. Those speakers were voiced for sparkly, shimmering treble response, with a remarkable amount of energy well over 6kHz, to be coupled with the warm sounding circuits, and the thin, resonant cabinets of the era.
The IRs of the Vintage Jensen Speakers behave exactly as expected, bright, clear and detailed.
In the modern world, especially with high gain tones, naturally very rich of harmonic overtones, all this energy in the treble range may sometimes turn in an overly bright, aggressive tone.
To further expand the possible applications of these historical speakers, we decided to offer all the Vintage Jensen IRs also in a “Remastered” option, where we finely tuned the top end response to be warmer and less prominent, so to make it suitable also in more contemporary, higher gain applications.
A sort of virtual “aged tone”, that offers a whole new range of sounds for every application. All the IRs in the library are effectively doubled by the “Remastered” version, opening up new possibilities to the player, once again “beyond the original hardware”.
The microphones used during the capturing session are:
AKG* C414
Audio Technica AT4033
- Beyerdynamic M160
Coles 4038
Electrovoice* RE16
Groove Tubes MD1
Neumann KM84
Neumann U47
Neumann U87
Royer R121
Sennheiser E609
Sennheiser* MD421
Shure B52
Shure* SM57
Shure SM58
Shure SM81
Every microphone was moved to four different horizontal positions (Cap, Cap Edge, Cone and Cone Edge) and two distances and two angulations, for a total of 16 IRs each.
All the measurement set has been repeated for each one of the cabinet in the library.
All IRs have been phase aligned and they can be blended without phase cancellations.
This library was created for the TH-U SuperCabinet that allows you to:
Graphically browse the IRs in the library
Blend multiple IRs and create totally custom and huge stereo guitar tones
Compose new cabinet tones with the unique Multiband mode
Export your crafted IRs in .wav format for use with all major hardware modelers and software IR loaders
TH-U Premium OR SuperCabinet IR Processor is Required
Apple System Compatibility
- AudioUnit, VST, AAX32 (ProTools 10.3.5 and above), AAX64 (ProTools 11 and 12) plugins, as well as a standalone application.
- Both 32bit and 64bit are natively supported.
- You can authorize on up to three computers that you own and one USB stick with a simple one-click software procedure (no hardware key needed).
Apple System Requirements
- Macintosh® Intel Core i3 1.4GHz with 4Gb of RAM, 1280x800 video.
- Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and above are supported.
Windows System Compatibility
- VST, AAX32 (ProTools 10.3.5 and above), AAX64 (ProTools 11 and 12) plugins, as well as a standalone application.
- 32bit and 64bit are natively supported.
- You can authorize on up to three computers that you own and one USB stick with a simple one-click software procedure (no hardware key needed).
Windows System Requirements
- Core i3 1.4GHz with 4Gb of RAM, 1280x800 video.
- Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows® 10 are supported.