Ample Sound
Regular price
R 38,180.00
Bundle containing all Ample Sound Products
Ample Sound Complete Bundle includes all Ample Sound products (available at the time of the purchase). The bundle consists of acoustic & electric guitars, acoustic & electric basses, an Ethno Ukulele and Ample China Pipa - a traditional Chinese instrument. You save up to 50% compared to buying all products one by one!
Included Products:
- Ample China Pipa - a traditional Chinese instrument
Acoustic Guitars:
- Ample Guitar L - AGL
- Ample Guitar M - AGM
- Ample Guitar T - AGT
- Ethno Ukulele - AEU
- Ample Guitar 12 - AG12
- Ample Guitar SJ - AGSJ
Electric Guitars:
- Ample Guitar P - AGP
- Ample Guitar F - AGF
- Ample Guitar G - AGG
- Ample Metal E - AME
- Ample Guitar TC - AGTC
- Ample Guitar H - AGH
- Ample Metal Hellrazer - AMH
- Ample Guitar VC - AGVC
- Ample Bass JF - ABJF
- Ample Bass J - ABJ
- Ample Bass P - ABP
- Ample Bass Metal Ray5 - AMR
- Ample Bass A - ABA
- Ample Bass U - AMU
- Ample Bass Y - ABY
- 6 GB of free hard disk space.
- Windows 7 or newer, Pentium 4 or Athlon processor with 2 GB RAM.
- Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, Intel-based Mac with 2 GB RAM.
- AU, VST, AAX or RTAS host application and professional sound card recommended. Stand-alone version included.
Product activation:
An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.